
Thanks to over twenty years in the industry and the amazing individuals that make up Boostworks, we really understand people and what drives them. And we want to share our insight into people, to help you boost your people.

Check out the many blog posts below to find out more!

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What benefits do employees really want?

Employees across the board are seeking greater recognition – something that resonates with their personal and professional lives. As such, we’re calling for better harmonisation between HR and business leaders so that, together, they can create and deliver benefit programmes that meet the aspirations of today’s employees.

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Boostworks introduces next-gen solutions

Hello! 👋 It’s been a monumental few days for us as we proudly introduce our advanced mobile app and SaaS platform. Hooray! This innovation in our tech is rooted in..

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Top five ways to keep your employees engaged in the modern workplace

Keeping employees happy, motivated and connected with their work is a constant challenge for all businesses, now more than ever. Today’s work environments are very different from how they were..

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Why employees need both financial and non-financial rewards

Recognising and rewarding employees is one of the best ways to encourage a great company culture and improve the performance of a business. When an employee feels their hard work..

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