Cycle To Work

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Offer huge savings and move one step closer to a healthier, more productive workforce

Lose the car, lose the stress and lose the limitations! Boost your business’s bottom line, employee health and the environment with our cycle to work scheme.

This government-approved benefit allows employees to spread the costs of a bike and accessories, offering an effective way of reducing the price of commuting and encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

Employees won’t have to pay tax or national insurance on bike-related items, with costs deducted from their salary over a fixed period. This makes cycling to work an accessible employee benefit that’s personalised and inclusive.

Enhance your EVP
Show your employees they’re appreciated with our cycle to work scheme, with savings of up to 47% on the cost of both traditional and e-bikes – a truly rewarding employee benefit.

By encouraging employees to cycle to work, you’ll be playing a part in reducing traffic emissions, pollution and congestion, supporting the movement to sustainable living.

Financial Security
Your employees can rest assured knowing their bike is affordable for them, as instalments are automatically deducted from their salary.

Improve the physical and mental health of your workforce, boosting motivation, retention and performance to build a happier and healthier work environment.

Our cycle to work scheme is inclusive, accommodating employees with mobility issues or disabilities by providing access to specialist or adapted bikes.


Enhance your benefits offering with a cycle to work scheme that works for your employees:

  • Create a positive working environment and a happy workforce.
  • Reduce your business’ environmental impact.
  • Benefit from National Insurance savings for you and your employees.
  • Reward employees with huge savings on the retail cost of a new bike and accessories.
  • Improve your employees’ health, wellbeing and morale.
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Get started in 5 steps

Step 1: Let's chat

Get in touch with us and let’s talk through the specifics of what you want your Boostworks platform to feature, alongside our cycle to work scheme.


We’ll get your platform set up, including your cycle to work scheme and any other features of ours you want to include. We recommend consolidating all of your existing employee benefits into our single platform and app for boosted engagement!


The truly fun bit! We’ll collaborate to launch your platform and scheme to employees, so they can log in and start benefitting from the cycle to work scheme.


The individual chooses their bike package and submits a request through our partner’s site. The employer reviews the request and pays for the package, which sends a certificate to the individual that they can exchange for their bike package at their chosen retailer.


Once the bike is ordered, a salary sacrifice agreement is made so that the individual’s salary is deducted every month. Nice and easy!

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What’s included in the Cycle to Work Scheme?

Any type of adult bike, including e-bikes (perfect if you don’t want to sweat through your office attire), regular bikes, cargo bikes and specialist/adapted bikes for mobility needs.

Depending on the package agreed, bike accessories and safety equipment such as helmets, locks, lights and clothing may also be included.

Does it cost anything to add the Cycle to Work scheme to our Boostworks platform?

No! Once you’re up and running with Boostworks and have access to Boost Benefits, there’s no additional cost to adding the Cycle to Work scheme. In fact, there’s cost saving benefits for your company, through saving 13.8% on National Insurance contributions!

Do you keep the bike at the end of Cycle to Work Scheme?

While the salary sacrifice period is a hire period, it is an easy process to transfer ownership of the bike at the end of the scheme, so that the person who took out the scheme owns it outright at the end - if they want to, of course!